Let’s get down to business.
Kentville strives to remain a great choice for your business startup, relocation or expansion. Entrepreneurs choose Kentville with confidence because of the supportive business environment that Kentville and it's partners work hard to maintain. Grow your business, enjoy your life! Begin planning your next business move now.
Good for the bottom line
We’re committed to keeping rates competitively low. Kentville has one of the lowest commercial rates in Nova Scotia. Considering that Kentville operates a dedicated police service, Public Works department, water commission staff, and fleet of snow clearing equipment, that’s pretty amazing value.

Municipal Commercial
Property Tax
$3.514 per $100

Commercial Water/
Sewer Rate
$2.97 per m3

Average Internet
Download Speed
61.46 Mbps

A great place to do Business in Atlantic Canada!
In the middle with you
Kentville is centrally-located in Atlantic Canada, so the regional market is at your doorstep, and the market beyond is as accessible as it gets. The Halifax Stanfield International Airport is nearby, and nearly one and a half million consumers are a short drive away. Like your ambitions, there’s really no limit to the possibilities when you begin in Kentville.
50 mins
1 hr 45 mins
10 hrs 10 mins
1-2 days
1 hr 45 mins
12 hrs 20 mins
1-2 days
New York
2 hr 35 mins
13 hrs 40 mins
2-3 days
2 hr 20 mins
18 hrs 10 mins
2-3 days
6 hr 5 mins
9-11 days
The right people for the job
Kentville’s citizens are as educated as they are welcoming. That unusually high level of education has granted Kentville the highest per capita ratio of professionals compared to any other place in Canada. The Kentville workforce is ready to help you succeed.
A strong heart
Even as Canada’s cities and towns develop their industrial zones and office parks, the healthiest economies continue to nurture and grow their downtowns. Kentville is both lucky and forward-thinking because the town’s people and leadership have always valued a vibrant, economically- and socially-dynamic core. Our healthy downtown spells a healthy bottom line for our business community.
Kentville Business Park
The Kentville Business Park is the Annapolis Valley’s most active business centre. The Park covers about 200 acres of land and is home to over 40 different commercial operations. For both Kentville and the surrounding Valley, this economic strength is the perfect complement to the unique retail and other small businesses that thrive downtown.

Kentville Business Community
Kentville Business Community (KBC) is an arms-length nonprofit organization that works with and for businesses and organizations within the Town of Kentville. It is the mandate of KBC to help support, promote, and grow the Kentville business community. It's main functions are to engage businesses and organizations in local events and activities, promote businesses and organizations in Kentville, provide beautification opportunities to businesses and organizations, enhance and advocate for public infrastructure for a more accessible and enjoyable downtown experience, act as a conduit of information between regional economic development agencies and Kentville's business community, and advocate on behalf of businesses and organizations in Kentville. The organization is governed by a board of directors made up of engaged business owners and operators who seek to represent the interests of business in Kentville!
Valley Regional Enterprise Network
No need to go it alone. The Valley Regional Enterprise Network offers one-on-one, customized business support to business-owners all over the Annapolis Valley. Take advantage of help with navigating public and private sector funding programs, building key business connections, supporting your start-up or expansion, and exporting or marketing efforts.
Allow us to help
The Town of Kentville Planning and Development Department supports businesses through joint marketing opportunities, partnerships with special events and tourism initiatives, and more.
The Kentville Business Community offers a Facade Improvement Program for qualifying businesses, which can match your investment up to $5,000.00.