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Social Media Directory

Social Media Directory

Stay in touch with everything “Kentville!” Whether it’s town news, special events, or important announcements, our social channels will keep you in the loop. It’s all part of our commitment to being as accessible as possible—and don’t forget you can also always call, email, or pop by Town Hall.

Official Accounts

Town of Kentville Facebook Twitter Youtube Instagram Town of Kentville - LinkedIn Instagram
Kentville Police Facebook Twitter Linkedin
Kentville Volunteer Fire Department Facebook Twitter Instagram

Associated Organizations

Many organizations that residents interact with on a regular basis also maintain their own social presence online. Connect with them to keep up to speed on the latest and greatest.

Kentville library Facebook
Kings Transit Facebook Twitter
Kentville Business Community Facebook
Valley Regional Enterprise Network Facebook Twitter
Valley Waste Management Authority Facebook Twitter


Social Media Standards and Netiquette

The Town of Kentville social media accounts aim to keep followers informed and engaged about Kentville issues, concerns, announcements and events, and will make reasonable efforts to engage, monitor, measure, and moderate the community.  To achieve these goals, the Communication Team uses the following platforms:  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.  Users who do not adhere to the following guidelines may have their comments and privileges edited or removed:

Be polite:  Inappropriate language will not be tolerated and posts containing discriminatory, racist, offensive, obscene, vulgar, profane, inflammatory, unlawful or otherwise inappropriate and/or objectionable statements, language or content will be removed.
Personal attacks:  We recognize that questioning, constructive arguments and opinions are part of conversation, but posts with aggressive personal attacks, defamatory in nature and/or threatening will be removed immediately.
Personal information:  For your own safety and the safety of others, posts that violate privacy and/or include personal information including your own will be removed.
On-topic comments:  All discussion participants are reminded to stay on topic.   Off topic comments and postings will be removed to encourage and facilitate effective discussions.
Political or religious comments:  Blatantly partisan comments, such as those explicitly in support of/or detracting from a candidate or potential candidate will be removed.

Protected Classes/characteristics under the Human Rights Act of Nova Scotia: Comments from users that attack, belittle, or otherwise antagonize members of the Kentville Facebook community, or any person, who falls into the protected classes will be deleted immediately without notification to the user. 

Comment spam:  Posts deemed as spam and/or explicit commercial endorsements will be removed. This includes copying and pasting the same comment repeatedly as a response to other commenters in the thread.

Misinformation/unfounded information: Misinformation, or information that cannot be verified by the communications team as factual and correct will be removed.

By submitting content to any of the social media platforms, you understand and acknowledge that this information is available to the public and as such, is considered a public record.  

Communications team powers/authority for the moderation and management of social media comments:

The Town of Kentville welcomes engagement through our social media channels and platforms.  Public discourse, respectful debates, and disagreements between commenters are all permitted, and are part of healthy discussion.  Certain subject matters and specific topics are not up for debate on Town of Kentville platforms.  The Town of Kentville does not “agree to disagree” about items, topics, or characteristics that are protected under the Human Rights Act of Nova Scotia.  Those topics and characteristics include: Age, Race, Colour, Religion, Creed, Ethnic, national, or aboriginal origin, Sex (including pregnancy and pay equity), sexual orientation, physical disability, mental disability, Family Status, Marital Status, Source of income, Harassment and sexual harassment, Irrational fear of contracting an illness or disease, Association with protected groups or individuals, Political belief, Gender Identity, and Gender expression.

Comments from users of any town platform that specifically attack, belittle, or otherwise antagonize members of the Kentville Facebook community, or any person, who falls into the protected classes will be deleted immediately without notification to the user.  A repeat posting of deleted comments may result in that user being banned from accessing the platform in question, or all town platforms depending on the severity of the comment, as determined by the communications team members.     

Communications team members have the authority to use their individual discretion and expertise to determine whether comments posted on the Town’s platforms breach the conditions found in the Communications Plan.  Team members have the authority to immediately hide or delete any comment from any user that does not align with the goal of the Town’s platforms to remain a safe space for all.  The team also reserves the right to remove any comment containing information that is not true, unfounded, or that is unable to be fact checked and verified by Communications Staff. 

If a comment from a user is “questionable” or “in a grey area” as determined by a communications team member, the team as a group or an individual team member will hide or delete the comment as they deem necessary without any explanation to the user.  If a user attempts to re-post the same or a similar comment, the comment will again be deleted and a message containing this policy will be sent to the user for review, with a warning not to post again.  A third post will allow the team to ban that user indefinitely for not following the rules of the page.   

Team members reserve the right and authority to determine whether a comment is unreasonably inflammatory or meant to “disrupt vs. contribute” to an ongoing discussion.  Consistent troublemakers and repeat offenders, especially those with seemingly anonymous and/or fake profiles may be moderated by team members on a case-by-case basis. Users who receive a ban can appeal this to the communications team directly by sending an email to requesting a meeting or calling to speak with comms team members about the violation.

Inappropriate Use or Activities means any of the following activities:

     1. Transmitting any materials in violation of local, provincial or national laws;

2. Using vulgar, profane or inappropriate language;

3. Transmitting or posting threatening, abusive, discriminatory or obscene material;

4. Duplicating, storing or transmitting copyrighted material;

5. Lobbying for political or religious purposes;

6. Duplicating, storing or transmitting pornographic material;

7. Suggesting or supporting illegal activity;

8. Posting material that is likely to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems;

9. Advertising or soliciting on behalf of businesses or not-for-profit organizations;

10. Posting material that is not topically related to the Content; and

11. Repetitive or multiple postings by a single user (see definition of spam)

     12. Posting misinformation, or information that cannot be verified by the communications team