Planning and Development
The Planning and Development Department envisions new possibilities for the Town of Kentville, and creates a broad vision for the community. In pursuit of this goal, the department works with civic leaders, businesses, developers, and citizens. The planning vision is delivered through the Municipal Planning Strategy, Zoning By-law and the delivery or support of other Community Development-related special projects and programs.
Land Use Planning is the traditional method of achieving the vision of the future for a community. It’s the process of managing land uses, promoting healthy growth and community development, and protecting the living, production, and recreational environments of a community. It expresses the community’s desires regarding where different types of expected growth will go, and in what densities, forms, and quantities.
Through the policies of the Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and regulations of the Land Use By-law (LUB) and Subdivision By-law, appropriate lands are set aside or “zoned" for certain uses. Planning aims to make efficient use of the town’s built infrastructure (streets, water and sewer lines) in order to avoid wasting limited resources.
The Planning Department also strives, through the delivery and support of special projects and Community Economic Development programs, to promote a vibrant and active atmosphere in Kentville. Tourism, festival and event support, marketing, promotions, economic development projects, and business district support are provided by the Planning Department through the Community Economic Development Coordinator.