Personal Information and Privacy
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
The Town of Kentville is required to adhere to regulations laid out in Nova Scotia’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIPOP) Act, and in the Municipal Governance Act. If you would like information about a town-related activity or issue, and that information is not publicly available, there is a process for requesting information from municipal organizations like the Town of Kentville. Please visit our FOIPOP page for more information.
Website Privacy Statement
The Town of Kentville website is made available for information purposes only. The Town of Kentville does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of information, nor is it responsible for any expenses or damages incurred directly or indirectly resulting from the use of this information. All such information should be verified independently before being used or relied on. It is possible that the information contains errors or omissions. The Town makes no representation to the contrary. The information relates to rapidly changing subject matters.
The content of this site may not be correct at the time of your access to it. Accurate information on the site may become obsolete immediately after access. The Town of Kentville is not responsible for and provides no warranties relating to the contents of any linked site or any link contained within a linked site. By including any link, the Town of Kentville does not imply endorsement, investigation, or verification of the linked site and all terms, conditions, including disclaimers, waivers, and releases as contained herein apply to such linked sites. There is no endorsement, either express or implied, of any third party products or services, to be construed by any information, material, or content referred to, included on, or linked to or from this website.
All text, graphics, maps, photographs and other material on this site are copyrighted by the Town of Kentville. It cannot be distributed or used for commercial purposes. It may be used for information purposes if accompanied by the copyright notice.