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Town Council has adopted a vision of a sustainable Kentville that it is "a healthy, vibrant, integrated and complete community where citizens can live, work and play in an environment that supports a high quality of life”.  The Town has a number of guiding plans that support this vision from different perspectives, including sustainability.

Mitigation and Adaptation


Kentville staff are working to integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation into daily and long term operations.  The Town is currently working on three different areas of adaptation and mitigation:  Community Energy Planning, Community Adaptation and Resilience, and Birds and Biodiversity.

Community Energy Planning

In order to explore energy security and independence opportunities in the Town, Kentville is participating in the Net Zero Community Accelerator Program through Quest Canada. From 2024-2027, this program includes public engagement, strategic planning meetings, creation of an Energy Plan for the Town, and setting emissions targets as a town.  As the town considered improvements to buildings including town hall, energy efficient upgrades are incorporated to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. 

Community Adaptation and Resilience

Like all towns in Nova Scotia, Kentville is adapting to more frequent and damaging storms, heat waves, and floods.  Kentville is exploring ways to help protect infrastructure and to help residents become more resilient to these changes.  The Town is improving asset management and stormwater management, and also exploring opportunities for residents to be more connected to each other and to available resources.  Staff are creating an Adaptation Action Plan for the town (est. 2026).

Birds and Biodiversity

Kentville has a number of beautiful natural parks that support education programs for bird and wildlife habitat conservation. The Town's Bird Team is preparing to have the town designated as a Bird Friendly Town through a rigorous certification program by Nature Canada which includes programs around threat reduction, conservation policies, and engagement programs around birding and habitat conservation.  When we protect birds we support conservation and biodiversity and aim to create an Adaptation Action Plan (est. 2027) that includes reducing urban heat islands, expanding bird habitat, and implementing a tree plan in the downtown and across public land.

Integrated Community Sustainability Plan

The Town’s Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP) is consistent with this vision and sets out the Council’s long-term direction in the following goals:

Friends enjoying fresh air

Economic Sustainability Goals

  • Working with regional partners to support the local agricultural economy.
  • Building on Kentville’s role as the service centre of the Annapolis Valley.
  • Encouraging diversity and entrepreneurship in the local economy.
  • Supporting good infrastructure planning, policies and practices.

Social and Cultural Sustainability Goals

  • Promoting downtown revitalization and safe and accessible public spaces.
  • Recognizing and planning for demographic diversity.
  • Managing sustainable community growth through planning and policy.
  • Encouraging active transportation and a pedestrian-friendly community.
  • Encouraging the diversification of community recreation, arts and culture.

Environmental Sustainability Goals

  • Working regionally & locally to ensure safety & quality of water resources.
  • Supporting regional initiatives to protect and maintain agricultural land.
  • Promoting conservation and renewable energy in the community and region.
  • Working with regional partners to restore the Cornwallis River.
  • Supporting efforts at all levels to reduce greenhouse gases and air pollution.
  • Supporting regional initiatives for climate change planning and adaptation.
  • Continuing support of solid waste-resource management and public transit.

The ICSP is a touchstone and overarching document for other elements of corporate planning for Kentville, such as the strategic plan, annual budget and operating plans, five-year capital investment plan, and land use planning. Kentville has a history of regional collaboration and cooperation, so it should come as no surprise this is also an inherent part of the ICSP.