Waste Management
Valley Waste Resource Management ("Valley Waste") manages garbage, recycling and compost curbside pick-up in the Town of Kentville. Curbside pick up in Kentville is every other Wednesday. To find out which Wednesday is curbside pick up, visit this link and go to the calendar at the bottom of the page, Kentville is "Week 2". It will look like this:
There's an App for That!
If you want a reminder on your cell phone about your curbside day, or have an unusual item to sort into garbage or recycling, there's an app for that! You can download Recycle Coach for iPhones and androids.
Valley Waste Sorting Guide
Valley Waste works with its partners and residents to minimize waste sent to the landfill by helping residents sort their waste carefully. This Sorting Guide is the simplest way to check what goes in which bag or bin:
Click here for a PDF version of this sorting guide.
The Valley Region Solid Waste-Resource Management Authority is a body corporate formed under an Inter-Municipal Services Agreement encompassing the Municipality of the County of Kings, and the Towns of Annapolis Royal, Berwick, Kentville, Middleton and Wolfville.
The Authority is a legally formed body comprised of representatives from each of the six participating municipal units and meets on a monthly basis to discuss issues and provide a basis on which staff manages the business of the authority.