Community Cookbook
Welcome to the first Kentville Community Cookbook!
As the Specialty Outreach Leaders for the Town of Kentville during summer 2022, one of our goals was to promote connection in and beyond the community. Understanding how food can play a critical role in this process, we incorporated it into much of our programming, whether through menu planning as a group for our Outdoor Leader Youth Program, hosting a welcome BBQ for the Kentville Canada Cup, or running kids cooking and baking classes! We found that making a community cookbook was the next step to promote connection through food!
We would like to thank all of the community members who have engaged in the creation process of this cookbook, whether that be submitting a recipe, sharing the idea with others, or by checking out the finished product! We hope that each of you are able to find joy and connection
through food!
Thank you, Kentville!
Della Alderson and Mackenzie Tomlin