Permits, Licenses, and Service Requests
In the case of any of the permit and license requirements below, if you’re unsure, please give us a call—we’re more than happy to help you through the process!
Development Permits
Development permits ensure that every proposed development conforms to the requirements of the Land-Use By-law. It is the property owner’s responsibility to obtain all required permits. If your project requires a building permit, town officials will send your development permit and information to our building inspectors for them to issue a building permit. A permit may be required for any of the following:
- Any new construction or renovation
- Constructing an addition to any building
- Structural/plumbing repairs
- Home-based businesses
- Demolition
- Installation of a pool
- Construction/installation of a sign
- Changing the use of a building
Permits can be obtained by filling out a development permit application, which is available here, supplying any relevant information about your project, and sometimes paying a fee.
Vending Permits
If you own a food truck, are looking to host a fundraiser BBQ or if you'd like to busk in the Town of Kentville, you'll require a vending permit. Vending Permits are available by application for the sale of food, beverages, and merchandise. For more information refer to the by-law here: CH 94 - Vending.
Public Event Permits
Public Event Permit Applications should be filled out and submitted by any group, individual, or organization intending to host a large-scale public event on public property within the Town of Kentville. A public event is defined as any event being advertised to the general public that is held on Public Property and encourages public attendance and/or participation.
This permit application should also be submitted if you are intending to hold any event in Kentville that includes components that will affect public safety, traffic, and/or parking, or is expected to attract a significant number of people to a public area. (Street parades, walk-a-thons, rallies, concerts, etc.) Private functions (invite only, intended for specific people vs. all people) do not require a Public Event permit.
If you are intending to run a recurring or one time program or small-scale event hosted in a town owned facility, you most likely do not require this permit. However, you may be required to book that facility with the proper town contact depending on the type of activity, so start there! To book a park, greenspace, field, Rec Centre or other recreation facility contact the Recreation Department: 902-679-2540. To book Centre Square or the downtown Public Garden contact Community and Economic Development: 902-679-2549.
If you think you need a Public Event Permit application form, contact us. We are very happy to help! Call: 902-679-2500 or email: info@kentville.ca
Dog Licenses
A dog license helps protect your pet by providing an easy-to-identify dog tag and registration with the Town of Kentville. Tags may be purchased at the Town Hall for $15, renewable every April.
To register a dog, be prepared to provide town staff with:
- name, civic address, mailing address, and telephone number of the owner
- name and breed of your dog
- description of your dog including sex, any identifying characteristics (including micro-chip implants, tattoos or special markings), and if applicable, proof that the dog has been spayed or neutered
- applicable dog registration fee
Find our Animal Control By-law here: CH70 - Animal Control
Find our Animal Control Policy here: G33 Animal Control By-Laws Fees
Taxi Licenses
In order to operate a taxi cab within Kentville, you must apply for and be issued a Taxi-Cab License by Kentville Police (as per the Taxi By-law—Chapter 64). For more information and to apply, please contact Kentville Police Service at 902-678-3378.
Roads, Streets, and Sidewalks
If you’re experiencing a problem with potholes, blocked culverts or flooding, missing street signage, damaged sidewalks, snow removal, or another issue related to roads and streets within town, let us know. To submit a service request to Public Works call 902-679-2500
Water and Sewer Problems
To report back-up problems, line breaks, or other problems with municipal infrastructure, please call 902-679-2500 to submit a service request to Public Works.