Secondary and Backyard Suite Incentive Program
Opportunity to increase housing in Kentville!
With the growing demand for the limited housing stock, the low rental vacancy rate in Kentville, and growing community concerns, we want to provide you with the information you need when new housing opportunities arise.
The Nova Scotia Provincial Government has launched a Secondary and Backyard Suite Incentive, a forgivable loan for up to 50% of the project cost, up to a maximum assistance of $25,000 for a Secondary and/or Backyard suite. The assistance is forgiven over the loan term of up to five years.
What is a Secondary/Backyard Suite?
A Secondary/Backyard Suite is a smaller, secondary residential unit that is separate from the main dwelling on a property. Secondary/Backyard Suites are more commonly known as “Ancillary Dwelling Units” within the Town of Kentville planning documents. The Kentville Land Use Bylaw defines an Ancillary Dwelling Unit as:
“a self-contained dwelling unit that is wholly contained within a single unit detached dwelling in which independent, and separate unrestricted access from the main dwelling unit can be gained and results in no external modifications to the front of the structure or to the height exempting the addition of dormers; or a self-contained unit within an accessory building including a Garage Suite which means an accessory dwelling unit built above a detached garage and a Garden Suite which means a free-standing, single story accessory dwelling unit located behind the primary single unit dwelling.”
Where can I build a Secondary/Backyard Suite in Kentville?
These units are permitted in the R1 and R2 residential zones, provided that the main use of the property is no greater than a Single Unit Dwelling. These zones can be identified as the cream (R1) and light pink (R2) colours in the Zoning Map found in the Related Documents to the right of this page.
What requirements do Secondary/Backyard Suites need to meet in Kentville?
Pg. 32 & 52 of the Town of Kentville’s Land Use By-Law
Before applying to the Nova Scotia Government’s program, we encourage you to contact us. We can review your development permit application and offer support through the permitting process. CONTACT – info@kentville.ca
The Town of Kentville permits these suites within an existing Single Unit Detached Dwelling or as an Accessory Building if the following requirements are upheld:
If the Secondary/Backyard Suite Unit is contained within an existing Single Unit Detached Dwelling in the R1 or R2 Zone:
- It can only occupy 80% or less of the existing dwelling, up to a maximum of 861 ft2 (80 m2)
- The unit needs to have an independent kitchen and washroom.
- The unit needs to have an independent entrance within, along the side or back of the existing dwelling.
- Have no alteration to the roof line or height of the existing dwelling – with the possible exception of dormers
- The unit will require at least one off-street parking spot in addition to any parking requirements for the primary Single Unit Detached Dwelling
If the Secondary/Backyard Suite Unit is located in an accessory building in the R1 and R2 zone:
- The main use of the property must be a Single Unit Detached Dwelling.
- The unit must be a minimum of 4 ft (1.22 m) from the back or side property line. It must be setback a minimum of 20 ft (6.1 m) from the front property line and 10 ft (3.05 m) from the flank property line.
- The unit must be constructed a minimum of 6 ft (1.83 m) away from the main structure.
- The unit can be no taller than 21 ft (6.40 m) in height* if it’s considered a Garage Suite, or under 15 ft (4.57 m) in height* if it’s considered a Garden Suite
* Height is measured by the distance between the ground and the mean level between eaves and ridges of a gabled, hip, gambrel or other type of pitched roof (Pg. 15 of the Town of Kentville’s Land Use By-Law)
- The Land Use By-Law only allows for a maximum of two accessory buildings permitted on any lot, but only one of these can be used for an Ancillary Dwelling Unit. Combined, the total area of accessory buildings cannot exceed 15% of the total lot area, up to a maximum of 1,000 ft2 (92.9 m2)
- The unit cannot be a trailer, shipping container or similar type of vehicle/structure
- The unit needs to have an independent kitchen and washroom
- The unit needs to have an independent entrance
- The unit will require at least one off-street parking spot in addition to any parking requirements for the primary Single Unit Detached Dwelling
How do I receive the Loan? To receive the forgivable loan, there is a list of requirements that need to be upheld. Below are key considerations.
You can apply for the loan if you:
- live in your own single-family home on the property where you plan to build the suite
- will continue to live in the home after you build the suite
- are a Canadian citizen or have permanent resident status and live in Nova Scotia (you need to live in Nova Scotia for at least 183 days each year)
- have paid your municipal residential property taxes in full
- offer rent that’s at least 20% below average market rent for the location
- have equity or are approved for debt financing to cover the total cost of the project less the loan amount
You also need to meet 1 of the following requirements:
- tenant is your parent and is 65 or older
- tenant is your adult child and you’re 65 or older
- tenant isn’t a family member and has an annual household income equal to or below the household income limits for the program
The information referenced above is from the Nova Scotia Government’s website – if you are interested in learning more and accessing the incentive program information or a loan application form, we encourage you to visit their website!