A message from the Province!
As many of you are aware, there is an independent review of the Nova Scotia Accessibility Act taking place. Dr. Katie Aubrecht and her team will be completing the data collection in July.
This is the first independent review of the progress being made under the Act. The recommendations from Dr. Aubrecht will shape accessibility work moving forward.
The review welcomes input from people who are Deaf, neurodivergent and/or persons with disabilities, family/friend caregivers, service provider and advocacy organizations, and bodies, groups and organizations affected by the implementation of the accessibility standards.
If you haven’t already participated, we highly encourage you to participate. You can attend one of the two remaining open public online sessions. The dates are below and you must register in advance.
Public Consultation June 20, 2022, 11:00 AM-12:00 PM Atlantic Time
Register in advance for this meeting:
Public Consultation June 29, 2022, 6:00 PM-7:00 PM Atlantic Time
Register in advance for this meeting:
There are other ways you can still give feedback.
- Online survey: https://stfx.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bQ9EA0zM7p5fIRE
- Schedule a small group discussion or an individual interview.
- Share your ideas and experiences with the Accessibility Act Review team by sending a written submission by email to: nsreview@stfx.ca
Information about the review and social media sites are as follows:
Website: https://nsaccessreview.ca/
Email: nsreview@stfx.ca
Telephone: 902-867-4845
Twitter: @ns_act
Facebook: NSAccessActReview
Linked-In: Independent Review of the Nova Scotia Accessibility Act
Thank you to everyone who has already provided input, and to all of you who will be doing so in the next few weeks.
Dawn Stegen,
Executive Director
Nova Scotia Accessibility Directorate
Department of Justice
Phone: 902-424-8280
Website: https://novascotia.ca/accessibility/
Email: accessibility@novascotia.ca