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Planning and Development Public Meetings

Two development applications have been submitted to the Town of Kentville for review and consideration.  These will follow this schedule for presentations and meetings, prescribed by Town policy and provincial legislation:

To see the planning application documents, please follow this link

Public Participation Meetings (PPM) will be held in accordance with TOK Policy G62.  There will be presentations from the developer and TOK Planning.  The public is invited to the PPM to learn more about the projects and ask questions.  Council is also invited but has no specific role.  These meetings are focused on information gathering for Council. 

After the PPMs, Council will meet in committee (CAC) to make recommendations to Council for First Reading. 

If motion for First Reading is passed, then Public Hearings (PH) will be held on September 25 and 26.  Members of council must attend the PH to vote on Second Reading on October 1.