There will be a public participation meeting on August 29th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the Kentville Fire Hall.
Brison Development has submitted a development application for housing south of Park Street, in the area of Evergreen Home and Andritz paper products. The proposal outlines two phases- the first near Park Street and the second extending up to the future Donald E. Hiltz Connector Road. This proposal involves the following changes to the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw:
- Redesignating the entire property from Industrial to Residential.
- Rezoning Phase 1 lands to a mixture of Medium Density Residential (R3) and High Density Residential (R4), with the Phase 2 lands to be rezoned to Large Lot Residential (R5).
- Revisions to rezoning requirements to allow for greater development flexibility.
A public participation meeting is required by the Town’s Public Participation Policy G62 following the receipt of a planning application. The purpose of the public participation meeting is to provide an opportunity for the public to comment on, make suggestions to, discuss and receive information with respect to the changes to a planning document. The format will include a presentation of the proposal by staff with an opportunity for the applicant to present. Council are not required to attend a PPM, and do not have a formal role in these meetings. Questions and comments from the public will be limited to 5 minutes each. Following this meeting, staff prepare minutes to report on the comments and suggestions made by residents, and these are presented to Council at the next Council Advisory Committee meeting. These reports are shared with Council and the developers for further consideration.
Next step: Special Council Advisory Committee meeting, September 6, 4-5pm, Town Hall Council Chambers.
To see the tentative meeting schedule for this planning application, please click here.