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Public Notice: Noise Bylaw Chapter 100 NOISE BYLAW
Public Notice: Noise Bylaw
Chapter 100
TAKE NOTICE that at a public meeting held September 28, 2020, Town Council gave First Reading to create Chapter 100 Noise Bylaw.
This Bylaw is needed to create consistent and measurable rules for acceptable noises within the Town of Kentville.
FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Second (Final) Reading of these Bylaw amendments is scheduled to take place at the Special Meeting of Town Council on Wednesday October 28, 2020at 4:00 PM.
A copy of this Bylaw is available online at www.kentville.ca and at the Town Office at 354 Main Street, Kentville, NS, between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday (holidays excluded). Any objections should be made in writing to the Town Clerk.
Dated this September 30, 2020
Brian T. Smith
Town Clerk