Police Commission
The advisory group for the Kentville Police Service, the Police Commission works to help strengthen and improve the Police Service. The commission meets 11 times per year to discuss emerging issues, equipment, and personnel. Members on this board include two members of Town Council, two members from the community, and a representative from the provincial Department of Justice.
Current Members of the Police Commission:
- Councillor Cate Savage
- Councillor Samantha Hamilton
- Virginia Brooke (resident)
- Penelope Hart (resident)
- Vacancy (Department of Justice Appointment)
To reach the members of the Kentville Board of Police Commissioners, you can email policecommission@kentville.ca
To find and view the 2023 Kentville Police Service Annual Report, please click the document title on the right hand side of this page in the "Related Documents" section.
Strategic Plan
Strategic planning sessions were held in 2023/2024 with members from Kentville Police Service and the Kentville Board of Police Commissioners. Based on discussions and surveys, categories were identified as areas that are relative to our mission/vision and values. Within each category, we have identified key objectives that we feel are vital to the growth of our service and we will be focusing on them over the term of this strategic plan. The Chief of Police will update the Kentville Board of Police Commissioners every 6 months on the progress of the Strategic Plan categories to ensure accountability. Category updates will be available on this page in the "Related Documents" section as they become available.