Sometimes streets are given names which later cause discomfort or offense. Through the Municipal Assets Naming and Renaming Policy, residents can identify streets and other municipal assets whose names no longer reflect our community and can suggest more appropriate names.
Please fill out this form to get the process of renaming a street, trail or park considered by the Naming Committee.
Click here to go to the application form.
After receiving an application, the Municipal Asset Naming Committee will assess changing the name of a street or other asset following these steps:
- Staff will compare the existing name to naming criteria in the Municipal Assets Naming and Renaming Policy.
- Staff will have discussions with the applicant, and any town departments or community groups about a potential name removal.
- A public consultation will be open for a 90-day period including public meeting, newspaper article/post, online survey and any other appropriate engagement.
- The committee may recommend to Council a name removal.